786-558-8542 | 8585 Sunset Drive, Suite 202, Miami FL 33143

Lens Replacement Options

When patients undergo cataract surgery, their cloudy natural lens (the cataract) which has formed throughout their life, gets removed and the surgeon replaces that lens with a new intraocular lens.  There are many different types of lenses out there, so we think our patients should know some of the basic options before coming in for their cataract evaluations at our office. See below for some of the different categories of lenses, and watch the video to visualize and learn more about these options!



Monofocal Lenses help provide patients with one zone of clear focus. Often times patients still may need glasses for activities such as driving, depending on the health of their eye and if they have a condition called astigmatism.  Patients with monofocal lenses will still also typically need to reading glasses for near vision activities, like reading, sewing or anything up close.  If a patient is using their medical insurance coverage for surgery, this is the type of lens that is usually covered by that plan.

Astigmatism Correcting Lenses (Toric IOLs)

These lenses are designed to help reduce the eye’s astigmatism and help give the most clear vision possible without glasses at a given distance of vision. Correcting one’s astigmatism can greatly hep improve vision and reduce the need for glasses for activities such as driving or watching TV.  At LOA, we offer all of the top Toric IOLs to help patients achieve their desired vision.

Multifocal Lenses or Extended Range Lenses

Multifocal Lenses or ‘extended depth of focus’ lenses (Advanced IOLs) are designed to provide patients with a larger range of vision (various distances, far, middle range and up close/near) with a minimal (if any) need for glasses or contact lenses.

At LOA, we specialize in the implantation of the most popular advanced technology IOLs on the market which include the Panoptix Trifocal Lens (see video below), the Vivity Extended Depth of  Focus Lens (see video below),  Tecnis Multifocal IOLs, including the Synergy and Symfony IOLs.

Light Adjustable Lens

We are also excited to now offer the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens to our patients at LOA. This exciting new lens has the highest chance of accuracy in the post-operative vision of any IOL ever used as it allows the surgeon to adjust the power of the lens post surgery to achieve the best possible outcome for that specific patient’s needs.

Keep in mind that each of these lenses is different and has its own set of benefits and limitations depending on the patient. What do you like to do most? Do you like to golf, read, sew, sail, spend time with your grandchildren, or are you on a computer a lot?  All of these ‘lifestyle’ items will determine the best lens and just like a type of shoe doesn’t fit everyone, one type of lens may not fit you and what you would like to do most day to day. Also keep in mind that some advanced or premium lenses are not indicated to work with patients who have had previous refractive surgery or LASIK, some won’t work if you have glaucoma or other eye or corneal conditions, and some lenses are specific to patients with astigmatism.

Please feel free to call our office at 786-558-8542 to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Loh to determine what the right lens is for you and your lifestyle.