by Loh Ophthalmology Associates | Nov 9, 2023 | ICL Miami
Like many of the patients we see at Loh Ophthalmology Associates, Karina remembers not being able to see the board in her seventh-grade classroom and getting her first pair of glasses in junior high. ‘I had to wear glasses for all these big moments in high school...
by Loh Ophthalmology Associates | Jul 22, 2021 | Eye Exam Miami, Eye Health
Recent data has emerged which shows how cancer numbers increased during and post pandemic, due to patients not going in for their usual preventative screenings. If you lived through the pandemic, you can attest to the fact that many of us put our health to the side in...
by Loh Ophthalmology Associates | Feb 2, 2021 | Cataract Miami
What makes someone a true leader in their field? We would likely all agree that dedication, education, training and skill, all make someone excel, but to set themselves apart…what does it take? In the medical field, many look to those leaders who take the time to...